Friday 3 March 2017

Logan - Review

The first five minutes of Logan gave me hope for the film, its a shame that the rest of the film is a boring mess that has no clear focus or story. I made a post about my thoughts on the trailer of Logan and how it felt small and a little off, it turns out that i was right.

I would like to start off with what I actually liked. The first couple of minutes of the film were very good, it set a good tone for the film but its a shame that it doesn't continue that way. That is where the majority of my praise stops. The rest of the film is just dull and uninteresting with a weak plot and character motivation.

I don't like to swear on these posts and i will try my best not to but as soon as the F word was uttered I knew what this film was. This film was designed to appeal to teenagers and the comic book fans which is not a bad thing but the way in which Logan attempts to be violent and edgy comes across as what a teenager would write and make. It has been a long time since i have watched a movie in cinema with as much swearing as this, I am not against swearing, violence and nudity when it is done well but when it is shoved in the film without context or class it comes across as juvenile.

The violence in this film is nice to see in a major blockbuster but the way in which it is done leaves much to be desired, if only director James Mangold framed the action well maybe this film would not be as dull as it is but instead we get these shaky-cam action scenes where its hard to know the geography of the action.

Having the film set in 2028 was strange to me, I know that we needed it to be sometime in the future but 2028 seems a little far fetched. I did like the idea of Patrick Stewart as Professor X slowly loosing his mind and that being a danger but a lot of what his character does within the film does not coincide with this idea. The script is very lazy it relies heavily on "humour" and swearing which takes away from when the film is trying to be serious. Logan could have been a very solid movie if it had grounded itself completely. Strip the humour and just make a down to earth Wolverine film and like I said the elements were there I just feel that the material was handled poorly.

I did like the majority of the X-23 parts, up until she started talking. She is introduced very well and the majority of the performance is good. Her action scenes are solid and she emotes well with just her face. When she starts talking is when she and the film goes way downhill. The main "plot" is to get X-23 to Eden where other mutants are living. Turns out these other mutants are children like X-23 and thats when we get the problem with making X-Men films, the on screen powers of the mutants look awful and lame.

There is also a fight between two Hugh Jackmen in which one of them has been de-aged.

Overall Logan could have been a really good down to earth action film with Wolverine just kicking a lot of butt but instead we get a slog of a film where the action is poorly shot and meaningless, a bad guy we have no connection to and dialogue that a 12 year old wrote. I can't recommend this film to people that can easily spot bad writing and plot problems but honestly it is not as bad as most films from last year and is certainly not as bad as X-men Apocalypse. If you want a good Wolverine film watch The Wolverine.


Written By
Ashley Harvey

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