Saturday 1 April 2017

Beauty and the Beast (2017) - Review

I am not sure on my stance on this new wave of Disney live action films, on one hand Cinderella was rather decent whereas Beauty and the Beast felt lacking in most areas. Now I understand that this film was not made for me nor was i expecting much and yet I still feel this film made too many mistakes for it to be considered good. Taking these established Disney films and turning them live action does create a strange situation where someone could take the source material and expand on it and someone else might try to recreate the film scene for scene.

I have not seen the animated Beauty and the Beast neither did I have any real knowledge about the story itself but this film does feel like there is something missing and in other aspects there is too much shown its a real dilemma that this film has. Lets start with the casting, for me this was a major misstep using established actors in the live roles. Its hard for me to watch Emma Watson and not think of Harry Potter especially when the film takes place in a castle, it was rather distracting and I felt her performance was lacking and I cant tell if that is a poor script or faithfully adapted from the Animated film because she felt lifeless to me. Everyone else is ok nothing special other than Kevin Klein as the father, he was the only character that had any character. I would like to use this film to say how much i hate hearing the British accent in films, its really distracting and just annoys me but I am not using that as a negative towards the film.

With the recent controversy surrounding Mass Effect: Andromeda facial animations it was rather distracting watching the Beast and how awkward the mo-cap was, throughout the scenes with the beast I was reminded of Tim Curry in Legend, it would have been far more beneficial to have had that over the awkward cgi. Sometimes the green-screen was distracting at points and the castle felt too small for how "grande" it is supposed to be.

The music is not too bad but the score itself was not that impressive and I can assume that the musical numbers are all taken from the animated version so overall I have nothing important to say about the music other than its there.

Overall it really does not matter what I have to say because this film will make the money and the majority of people will think its "magical" when its rather shallow and small. It is not anything special and it wont change your life but its harmless and its going to entertain the masses. I don't want to always be negative but they make it so hard for me not to.


Written By
Ashley Harvey

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